Saturday, 6 July 2013

Periods & Hayfever

Dear Doctor, 

Just a couple of things.

I've had an anti hayfever injection for the last 5 years in Fife. I move to Dundee and am told it doesn't exist. I know it exists cos I've been jabbed with it - don't tell me it doesn't exist cos I know it does and I understand a lot more than just the stories from the round window with Little Ted.

To add insult to injury, I was told at my last Depo appointment (in Dundee funnily enough) that the Depo wasn't being provided anymore cos of Osteoperosis. WTF - I'd have that over the other things any day. If my bones crumble and snap, it would be less painful than what I have when my periods are not controlled.

I had my first period when I was 9 (I think - was at my Gran's and I remember crying a lot). I had my first proper period when I was 12. I became regular when I was 15 - my mum took me to the docs. I have had problems forever. When I have a period, I'm on for 2 weeks and off for 2 days then back on for two weeks. I never get a break and I'm anaemic and ill the whole time. Without the Depo I have a period pretty much all month, every month. I slowly bleed to death. It also means I'm a murderous psychopath for most of the month.

I understand all the drama surrounding the Depo injection because I've been getting it every 12 weeks for the last 10 years. You (who is 'you') now say it's unsafe and I might get osteoporosis. But, here's the deal:

  • without this medication my body can't actually cope with periods - maybe it means I'm less of a woman, I don't really give a fuck. What I am telling you is, without this medication, I am more likely to kill, frequently.
  • without the jag, at period time, I will bleed more than a stuck pig and will need medication for anaemia, I will also need state help to pay for the number of tampons and winged pads I will need. At my worst I go through a 32 pack of Superplus every 1.5 days.
  • without this medication I get pains worse than labour pains (I suspect) and often collapse in a heap whilst at the shops.
  • I can NEVER go horse riding or windsurfing without this injection - they don't make pants big enough to hold the 'blood soaker uppers' I need them to hold. If you are a woman you will understand - imagine having your period every single day of your life. That is what my life will be if the Depo is removed from GP surgeries.
DEPO for me is the last resort - my problem is so bad that facing osteoperosis in my old age is a preferable solution.

Don't let a bunch of men in suits make this decision...

Also, give me back my hayfever injection you horrid people...otherwise, I have eyes like this all summer: