Mental health is a funny old thing ain't it?!
I've managed to get through a 4 year degree whilst in various stages of depression whilst dealing with deteriorating eyesight and major personal dramas (divorce, bankruptcy etc etc blah blah).
After a 2.5 hour exam on genetics, with a heavy slant on depression and the serotonin transporter, I finally realise what SSRIs do and the effects serotonin or lack thereof can have on our brains and mental health. I'd read up on it before, obv, but never *fully* understood it, in minute detail, like I do now.
So, after going through a horrendous Prozac withdrawal during my 4th year at Uni, I will be willingly putting myself back on the ole beast tomorrow, at 40-60mg a day.
I have posted this in a bid to continue being open and honest about my mental health shite in the hope it encourages others to speak out or not feel so alone whilst they lie in their stinking bed wondering if getting up would really make a difference to anything or anyone...
Strong, capable, and amazing people still need chemical help sometimes. I am proof of that. I know I am awesome, I know I am clever and insightful, I just don't feel it much of the time, and I bloody well should cos I've worked fucking hard for it!