Saturday, 16 April 2011

Please, Just Admit That You Work On The Waltzers

The dating site I'm on, although quite hilarious and great for one-woman show material, is really starting to get on my tits again.

I make it very clear in my profile that I am looking for a certain standard of intellect - call me picky if you like but so what...?

My profile states:

"If you don't know the difference between two, too and to or they're, there and their and how to use them effectively in a sentence, please don't expect a reply - I need to know you can read and write and have a conversation about more than football and engines. Please, no text speak either cos it hurts my head trying to decipher it, plus I'm not 12! I also like punctuation and the correct capitalisation of letters."

So, I get this from Mr Hilarious:

Random: "Hi hows u fancy a chat lol just joking hi am scott got all my own teeth you'r list of do's and donts' is a bit much are u an english teacher anyway would u like me to tell you what the offside rule is all about lol."  

Raw: "I am not an English teacher.  I am an attractive actress and business owner who drives her own Smart car called Bridget but, as you have used apostrophes in all the wrong places, have ignored my 'capitalisation of letters' rule, have used zero punctuation AND have communicated in mainly text speak, it has to be a no, sorry! Happy fishing :-)

Call me strict and old fashioned but for fuck sake, if someone can't adhere to the rules in a dating profile, even superficially, to get a date or a shag, they must be the laziest fucker known to man!  Seriously, could he not have googled 'apostrophes' or 'punctuation' to try and get his first email right?

Blokes, I have decided, are lazy.  A generalisation?  Yes, but a pretty true one!

I was married to a lazy fucker and appear to be attracting lazy fuckers.  There is nothing in my profile that suggests I'm a lazy fucker so clearly something is wrong.  I'm wondering if blokes are using the 'scattergun' approach to dating.  I'm wondering if blokes think my profile is a joke and I'm really Waynetta Slob working on the waltzers...waiting for the next giro to come in.

Seriously men, you gotta get with the programme.  I'd rather be on my own with a cat than spend my days reading 'Dick & Jane' and 'Spot the Dog' to you cos you only know 8 words...

Just saying :-)


Anonymous said...

Maybe you attract lazy feckers because you are so hard working?
They think they are going to get an easy ride with you ;)

lifewiththeraw said...

An easy ride?? Have you met me?? They'll be ridden straight into an asylum!! :-)