This was a Facebook note I wrote ages ago.
The title says it all, you had to write 25 random things you didn't think people knew about you.
Think it kind of works as a blog post...
2. I lost out to Steven Rodgers in Primary school for a chance to appear on Jim'll Fix It. I'm not bitter about it. But honestly, he got on the show with Musical Youth and I wanted to be April in the A-Team - you tell me, which would have made the better show....honestly? (Read 'Jim'll Fix it! Oh No He Fecking Won't' for more information!)
3. I put ketchup on nearly everything and have a real fondness for gravy.
4. My claim to fame is that I gave Morag from 'Take The High Road' a lift home after we'd finished filming.
5. My other claim to fame is that when I worked on cruise ships, I did karaoke with Patrick Swayze and Shaft (the original and best). Love the Swayze. Didn't like Shaft's cigars but I did fix him up with the Polish cellist!
6. I love anything and everything 80's and owned several ‘reversible’ jumpers.
7. I love movies and all things musical theatre (except The Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof and The King & I - yes I've been in them all and they are all pants!!)
8. I have a reduced lung capacity due to my asthma - my breath doesn't go all the way down apparently! Although, bespectacled chaps and dwarves on an evening jaunt with my friends have often lamented that I have a fair set of lungs, so not sure where the doctors are coming from…
9. I met Princess Anne at Navy Days and spoke to her for 10 minutes about being in the Girl Guides - I now understand her confusion; I looked like a boy who had stolen his mums batwing jumper to wear for the day!
Shaky! |
11. I love horror films and have a big doll of Michael Myers (Halloween) – when you press the button on his back, Jamie Lee Curtis screams for her life – Christmas present from my mental sis…class!
12. I'm a bit of a geek - I can tell you anything about time of death and insect infestation, but I can tell you bugger all about the latest fashion - are ra ra skirts back yet?
13. I have no peripheral vision – only found out when I was wearing a panda suit and drinking Stella at a pub family day – could only see out of one panda eye! Had major surgery where they popped my eyeballs out but I lived to tell the tale, although I can’t see you creeping up on me anymore…*sigh*.
14. I love fancy dress parties and go all out to win the best costume prize - my costumes have included: Heinz ketchup bottle, pantomime cow, bumble bee and mini-me.
15. I secretly want to be Wonder-Woman but I know I'm too clumsy and nowhere near sexy enough - I'd have to be the gobby, slightly sarcastic older sister in an all-in-one cossie, instead.
16. I can recite the opening credits to the A-Team and do so every time I've had beer - it impresses boys. I can also recite the theme tune to 'Supergran', this is not so impressive to boys but makes me giggle!
17. I’ve been chatted up by a dwarf (a proper one, not just a small man).
18. Mick Hucknall tried to pull my friend and I gave him a talking to for being unpleasant – he’s not a nice ginger and he has gold bits in his teeth.
19. New York and Disneyworld are two of my favourite places in the world.
20. I’ve joined a search party with Claire and Faith to look for a dead body and been questioned by the Minnesota Police. I also have my own file with FBI as I keep pestering them for work experience in the Behavioural Science Dept at Quantico.
21. I’ve made a man-eating plant out of chicken wire and crepe paper.
22. My best friends today are people I’ve known for over 20 years and I have to be nice to them in case I ever get famous – their stories would bring me down to Chinatown
23. I’ve had my heart and spirit broken during my short life but I’m still here, because I’m like a Weeble: ‘always wobble but never fall down'
24. I try to find the humour in every situation, no matter how inappropriate…
25. I’ve watched Friday the 13th in a cabin, in the middle of the woods, whilst working at a summer camp…(with the man whose body was mentioned in point 20, long story!)
26. I want to put the buzz back into the performance world in Scotland and will do everything I can to make that happen – Actors Centre, Scotland; here we come…oh yes and one day I’d like to win an Oscar.
27. I hardly ever follow the rules – hence I have 27 random things in a project clearly titled ‘25 random things’!
I had this as a transfer ironed on to a jumper when I was wee! |
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