Tuesday, 21 December 2010

George Clooney, Robot Students and That Woman From The Omen

So the only night in about 3,000 years there was a lunar eclipse and THIS was the night I actually slept for more than 3 hours and missed the bloody thing!  Any need?

I did have a ridiculously random dream though and, lucky you, I'm gonna share it...

I was going out with George Clooney and we were in the queue for the Back to the Future ride and he was annoying me cos he didn't like my new haircut.  He was flirting with everyone in the queue and they were asking him 'OMG why are you going out with HER' and other nice stuff like that.  I told them it was because I was amazing and hilarious but that did not cut the mustard.

I told George that he was becoming a mill stone round my neck (who even uses that phrase??) and that I was leaving him and that I wanted my money back for the ride as I was not going to go on it with him (typical Fifer!).  George started crying and begging me to come back and that annoyed me cos he got all whiney.

I then found myself substitute teaching in a class full of ex-drama students of mine.  I felt there was something a bit weird about the whole school and found out that they were all clones of my actual students.  There were 3 lads who were normal and hadn't 'turned' yet so I kept trying to protect them.  My ex-students found out that I had worked out that they were clones and demanded a meeting with me.

We sat round in a circle and they all told me what they didn't like about me and one of them accused me of hacking her Facebook email even though she had blocked me.  It was all very childish and I just said they only had an issue with me because I went out of my way to ensure they didn't turn into robots in my acting class and use their own natural (RAW) talent and now the actual robot thing had happened to them they were pissed off.  They told me they were going to have to crucify me to stop me telling the world and I just laughed and said 'any need? I'm so not scared. Bugger off'.

I found myself in Bridget (my wee smart car) and drove to my mate Hannahs penthouse apartment as she'd asked me to meet her there to retreive her ruby jewel from the safe.  We got the lift and as we got out we heard people in the apartment.  It was being robbed so we ran in and caught the burglars red handed and phoned the police.  We saved the jewel.

We had to go and made a statement but I had to park Bridget.  I drove up past the St James Centre (which it wasn't really in my dream!) and had to drive through a bunch of market stalls - one of them was manned by that woman from The Omen (Billie Whitelaw) and that freaked me out a bit but she was lovely. 

I finally found Hannah and she laughed at me cos my pants were digging in and giving me a wedgie and a muffin top.

Then I woke up pissed off that I'd missed the eclipse thingy.  Harumph!

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