This post is not all about them...but it kind of is...
Right, so, my Dad was cool.
My Dad was the one to chaperone Diana round the ship. He's the one in the uniform behind her.
My Dad was the one chatting to Prince Charles in the 'mess'
My Dad was the one who said 'it's better than a slap around the belly with a wet fish' to Charles. My Dad was the one to steal the glass that Charles drank his tomato juice out of.
My Dad died on my 19th birthday. Any fucking need?
I didn't really get to properly appreciate his humour and that pisses me off. Although I did get to see him dressed as a pelican and a giant bumble bee!
This pic was taken the day my Dad got his long service medal from The Navy. We got the day off school. We were so proud.
I remember once, he picked me up from an under 18 disco, in a Superman cape and a deerstalker hat. Shouting at me from across the car park. He wasn't being cool at the time, he was just being a twat, but he was cool before I (and he) understood it was cool. If he did that to me now I would piss myself laughing!
If my Dad was still alive I would never have married Jonathan and guaranteed he would have found my rapist and buried him in concrete (PS thanks Paddy for the open ended offer).
If my Dad was still alive I would laugh more than I do at the moment and I would probably never have had a breakdown. He would be telling me not to be a twat and to chill the fuck out. He would tell me that life is too short and you should spend your non-work time bouncing Mars Bars off the heads of people you like, a lot!
That was basically his mantra - bouncing stuff of people's noggings and running about pretending to be Dempsey & Makepeace with water pistols...
Am so sorry you're not here Pops :-((
I think you meant an UNDER 18 disco?!! He couldn't drive any more when you were 18 ;-))
He would have loved all your blogs and FB statuses! And he would have been pissed off not to have starred in most of them!
You have no idea how much like him you are - it's quite uncanny sometimes. Your mouth opens and your voice speaks but it's your dad's words and expressions that come out.
Your attitude is so him too - he didn't suffer fools gladly. Ever. And was far too blunt sometimes for my liking!! ;-)) But at least you knew where you stood with him. Now, who does that remind me of again ...... ;-))
Your Mum's comment made me cry :(
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