Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tom Savini Is Shitting His Pants

As some of you know, I've made the leap from acting in front of the camera to having a bash at producing behind it. I thought I'd get a nice, gentle ease into it. How hilarious!

I'm working with a lovely guy who has already won a BAFTA for producing and is now cutting his teeth as a director. There is no pissing about. He won his BAFTA as a first time producer so there is fuck all pressure on me to rise to his dizzy heights...

So, I thought, I'll have a bash at this producer malarky. I'll tell everybody what to do and flounce about threatening to sack people who refused to salute me or bow as I wafted by. What an amazing life, I thought.

It turns out I'm a proper producer which means I actually have about 48 jobs and am responsible for about 800 different people over 50 departments!

Fortunately, I'm a bit OCD and my PA and Office Manager 'toy job' experience can kick in. I've colour codes for things. I've separate folders for separate films. It's a bit anal. I've spreadsheets organising my spreadsheets. I have so much information in my brain at any one time that I can feel matter seeping out of my ears.

I'm loving it though!

I'm currently working on a series of 12 short films and a Zombie music video.  We have no SFX guys so I'm making the fake blood.  I'm not sure the guys from Halloween are panicking just yet but give me time. I'm a quick learner!

Anyway, here's some pics of my first attempt at 'fake blood making'.  I have purposely gone with different colours, with the more brown of the 3 bottles representing 'period blood', which I thought was a nice touch!

Here you go:

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