Hello,you have a wonderful look of which i would love to be your very good friend and know you better,please if you do not mind telling me much of yourself. Have a nice day , Waits for your reply.
Who are you?
Thank you for your respond and i am happy having you as my friend,i am 51 years old,I came from SIMI Valley California and work as UN peace keeping committee under assignment here in Afghanistan and i was leading troops of 3rd infantry in Syria,please i want to know are you married, what is your job,and your age?take care.
You're 51. No way Jose.
I re-visited your profile today; your profile is good and so interested. I love it. I have to admit that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You are so beautiful. I have some questions I want to ask you? Have you ever really love a man? To understand him, know him in any thought. See inside. Hear every dream, and give him wings when he wants to fly. To tell him that it's going to last forever. I want you to answer the questions above. I would like to see your question and to see how much love you have for your loved ones. I will tell you more about myself in my next email Take good care of yourself and have a nice day. With love
I have answered your questions in the order they were posted:
You: I re-visited your profile today; your profile is good and so interested. I love it.
Me: Thank you but I have to wonder what you gained from my profile as it’s pretty private?
You: I have to admit that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Me: Thank you, have you never seen Cameron Diaz?
You: You are so beautiful.
Me: Thank you. Have you never seen Penelope Cruz?
You: I have some questions I want to ask you? Have you ever really love a man?
Me: Love a man? Well yes I have but it ended badly when he told me he used to be a woman and that his penis was fake
You: To understand him, know him in any thought.
Me: I’m not sure I will ever understand men, except that they mostly like beer and boobs.
You: See inside. Hear every dream, and give him wings when he wants to fly.
Me: I did cast a spell on a guy once, in the hope that he would fly away. I didn’t work and he plummeted from the building. Sad day.
You: To tell him that it's going to last forever.
Me: Hey, who am I to promise ‘lasting forever’I can’t keep a mint plant alive.
You: I want you to answer the questions above. I think I have. I would like to see your question and to see how much love you have for your loved ones.
Me: I have much love for my loved ones. You aren’t one of them, obviously.
You: I will tell you more about myself in my next email
Me: Okay, can’t wait.
Have you ever loved a woman so much that she is screaming in silence fast on her feet ready to run from you?
I just have to tell you a little about myself, if not for other things but for the efforts you have made in giving me a good feeling of love this few time we have spent together. I’ve turned to look for a partner, because this is the 3rd year since i divorce my wife, and i thought i can be able to live the rest without woman, but as the days passes by, i understand the need for me to have another woman to share my love with, well i am very new on the search but i haven’t yet met someone who has really fulfilled my expectations. I am from America but right now I am still in Afghanistan and I am 51 years old and i am divorce, I have a daughter. I’m not searching for adventures or games, on the contrary, I hope to find that special person in you, and someone with whom I can create the family I’ve always wanted and spend the rest of my life with. Therefore, I sincerely look forward to becoming a proof that this type of meeting possibility really works and changes our lives. As regards my family, i am the only son child of my parents and i have only one sister is just two of us, and my sister who is taking care of my daughter now both my parents are dead. I have a daughter named DORA and she is 13 years old, my wife divorced since 2010. Actually I enter face book because I am searching for a wife and because I want to marry outside my country so that I will learn a different culture and customs. But because my job so I don’t not have time to travel out until my assignment in Afghanistan, so I decided to use this media searching a good, lovely and honest caring wife and I promised my daughter that I must get a wife and step mother for her this year As I told you I am looking for a wife, I sincerely want to tell you that since I see your picture in the face book my heart really accepted you and good feelings I have for you never go away from me and it may sound funny to tell you this but honestly I think I am in love with you and would want to have you as my wife because am falling in love with you. Please let me know if you will be ready to spend the rest of your life with me and if you’re ready to be a mother of my child? With love.
Well, I'm barren but I'd like to know more about your plans. Do you have a big penis? That's a deal breaker for me. Less than 6 inches doesn't interest me.
My dearest, I am so happy reading your message and I also thank the Almighty God who has made it possible for two of us to meet and with the oath I took as a soldier to defend my country I uphold the same oath to you to love and care for you and protect you with my life and the last drop of my blood. Actually like I told you in my previous message my assignment will finish soon and I will be going back to my country and I have planning to come visit you in your country by end of next month so that we will do the marriage and other things and after that we will live together as one family. please I have something very important to discuss and do with you but I want to know something CAN I TRUST YOU? The thing I want to discuss with you is my life so if you assure me of your trust I will tell you details.
I'm gutted that you're a bot :-(
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Monday, 11 March 2013
Holy Shit, He's Back: ROUND SEVEN - Is Facebook the new 'Plenty of Fish'? Marriage for a visa please Madam Helen...
So, the last FB message I had from the mentalist who wants to marry me for a work visa basically said he never wanted to hear from me again...here is the last wee bit of our convo from 18th Feb:
I told him to contact Annie Need and totally lied to him by saying that she gives out visas like confetti. I posted the email she received in one of the other blogs. She, of course, has told him to bugger off.
Today, this started (Tuesday 11th March)
hello miss helen raw how are you i really miss you allot
You seem to have forgotten your last message to me: "Bye forever don't message me again."
yes i know but i can't do this... i don't know seriously my mind & heart gose on to you miss….
How can you miss someone you don't know?!?! Please don't start this again - I don't think I have the energy for another 6 blogs about it!
i think its feelings & its natural thing i can't control my own self they giving me signal about your self…
What a load of shite.
its not a shite its a real feelings miss helen i don't know why this doing with me....
Ooops, there goes another rib.
Dear Miss helen its not a rib or shite its called miss-understanding between us.
There is no misunderstanding. You say you 'love me' and want a work visa from me. I'm saying I don't love you and you're not getting a work visa from me. Simples.
to be honest miss i want visa of your country and marry with any one who understand me and give me love and respect than i will give to her same response because thats the most important thing in our life's. miss i was not cheater i was so honest but i think i still not explain you my clear em-age its not my fault... but please don't think wrong about me clearly its misunderstandings between us.
There is no misunderstanding. You are a stranger who has approached another stranger on the internet for a visa and marriage. I couldn't give a fishes tit how honest you say you are...
Miss i know i was stranger for you but i was not cheater i was so honest because every person not been same every person mind set and thinking different but i was not the others if you meet to me in real life than you can understand me that how much i was nice person miss its miss misunderstanding between us.
have a humanity on this world or not...?
It is NOT a misunderstanding. I do not know you. You do not know me. I have humanity yes, but not enough to marry a stranger from the internet and give him a work visa! Come on, get a grip.
i know i was stranger for you but you don't call me liar or anything wrong me... because miss if have humanity on this world you can trust on me and show me also...!
No. Goodbye. You're annoying me again now.
miss i was not annoying you i was just asking to you...
No, you're annoying me
okay miss next time i never told you about visa or anything...! but miss you told me first about marry with you on that time i was not interested for that and you know that.
I also told you I liked shagging goats - why do believe what a stranger tells you on t'interweb?!
dear miss i don't know that things so clearly and that type of work. because i was so humble person and my nature so different to the others and i think if i don't do anything wrong with others than the other person not given me wrong reaction and will give me same response like me thats the simple reason thats why i trust on everyone because i think the humanity still have in this world. but miss every one still playing with me same like a football and kick me every-time…!
Well, you're an idiot for trusting people you don't know. This is the INTERNET... Jeez.
Instead of talking to strangers, try saving up money to sort your own life out. Nobody owes you anything.
Plus, you have no goats to barter with.
dear miss you are saying right i was idiot because otherwise not have any chance to stable my own life yes i was working in private distribution on very short salary and also i was financial supporting to my own family with this salary my salary is almost 12 thousand rupees in our currency and if you convert in pounds so that is almost 80 pounds for my monthly income because here is not have the jobs. So miss how i can try saving up money to sort your own life.
only one way to stable my own life if someone provide me visa than its possible for me to stable own life. dear miss so many people going out side because of internet.
You're right. I think I will go outside now and feed my pigs and swim in my huge swimming pool.
why you miss?
Miss what?
for that you are told me that I think I will go outside now and feed my pigs and swim in my huge swimming pool?
Well, you said that people don't go outside because of the internet and I agreed. I should come off the internet and go outside.
no i said that the so many people gone out side because of internet. out side mean out of country....
Ah my bad. Leaving your country doesn't leave the internet though. The internet is EVERYWHERE. You cannot hide...
i know that the internet everywhere...
i can't leave the internet...
dear miss you are saying right i was idiot because otherwise not have any chance to stable my own life yes i was working in private distribution on very short salary and also i was financial supporting to my own family with this salary my salary is almost 12 thousand rupees in our currency and if you convert in pounds so that is almost 80 pounds for my monthly income because here is not have the jobs. So miss how i can try saving up money to sort your own life.
No, I said you were an idiot for saying that you trust everyone on the internet. Pay attention.
okay but thats mean not have the humanity on this word thats why everyone playing with me own style...! but i was a human not have a animal or football…!
How do I know you're a human?
that means you think i was other type of species...
thats my weakness that i always given to others so much respect because i was human and i always have the humanity in my soul & life.
and also my strength the humanity...!
You could be cat that's just walking across a keyboard in an efficient manner for all I know.
i was working in private distribution on very short salary and also i was financial supporting to my own family with this salary my salary is almost 12 thousand rupees in our currency and if you convert in pounds so that is almost 80 pounds for my monthly income because here is not have the jobs. So miss how i can try saving up money to sort your own life?
Dunno, that's not my problem.
i know its not your problem...
So stop telling me I have to save your life and give you a visa then.
miss we are friends if you don't want to help me okay no problem i can understand that its difficult decision for you but i can understand miss...!
We are not friends. I don't know you from Adam.
FFS what don't you understand this time?
Okay. Bye.
I beg your pardon? I'll decide when I'm done talking to you.
miss what is pardon?
dear miss in our country you-tube blocked for some reason.
I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, There's gotta be a little rain sometimes. When you take, you gotta give, so live and let live, Or let go. I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. I could promise you things like big diamond rings, But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover. So you better think it over. Well, if sweet-talkin' you could make it come true, I would give you the world right now on a silver platter, But what would it matter? So smile for a while and let's be jolly: Love shouldn't be so melancholy. Come along and share the good times while we can. I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, There's gotta be a little rain sometimes. Instrumental break. I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. I could sing you a tune or promise you the moon, But if that's what it takes to hold you, I'd just as soon let you go, but there's one thing I want you to know. You better look before you leap, still waters run deep, And there won't always be someone there to pull you out, And you know what I'm talkin' about. So smile for a while and let's be jolly: Love shouldn't be so melancholy. Come along and share the good times while we can. I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, There's gotta be a little rain sometimes. To fade.
thats nice song...
Only joy from now on, no more pains to mitigate Embraced I have all the shades in world's palette I permitted her to leave, little did I know Took along all my belongings, that who left through my gate An abstract expectation I have from each face Which ever direction I look, comes my promised date This world is like the journey of some traveler Some are bound to leave early, some will be late An abstract expectation I have from each face Which ever direction I look, comes my promised date Embraced I have all the shades in world's palette Only joy from now on, no more pains to mitigate…!
Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them Borders are for people Think about it, what have you and I Obtained by being born as humans? Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them Borders are for people Think about it, what have you and I Obtained by being born as humans? If we were both birds We would soar in this blue sky Spreading our wings The entire Earth would be ours Ours would be all sights In the open atmosphere we would fly Taking all the love in our hearts Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them Borders are for people Think about it, what have you and I Obtained by being born as humans? If I were a river and you Were a gust of wind, then what would happen? When a gust of wind touches the body of a river Waves, waves are made If we would meet, then something like that would happen Everyone says these waves Wherever they go, no one bumps against them Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them Borders are for people Think about it, what have you and I Obtained by being born as humans? Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them...!
It's not a competition.
hahahahahah i know that
Are you singer?
But you still not show me your songs in your voice? How many songs you sing before?
If you have the internet you can find me.
This time not have i was on my cell phone
Tough titties then
Titties that are tough
Are you married
You should know this already if you paid attention to all our messages.
Because i saw your pictures thats why i was asking?
I don't understand the connection
In your fan page lots of images is that you on images?
Not, it's a pretend person
If its personal so how you showing your images on fan page?
Who said it was persona?
I just ask
What a ridiculous question.
No one said
Said what?
Which you ask
Okay. Bye
Are you crazy
How many sisters and brother have?
ARGH. This has all been discussed already and yes, I am crazy.
Plus, yer a right nosey fecker
No no you still not tell me about your family?
Oh well, sucks to be you.
Do you know what, this is getting boring for my readers now. Bye.
Have your any experience out of countries?
Him: Bye forever don't message me again.
Me: Okay. Oops, I just did, dammit.
Him: Stop
Him: Please STOP
Me: I said okay. Jeez.
Him: Really stop you have sick mind
Me: Yep, I take tablets for it
Him: Really please I beggeng for you Mam Raw to stop
Me: Aye, fine. Fair doos...
I told him to contact Annie Need and totally lied to him by saying that she gives out visas like confetti. I posted the email she received in one of the other blogs. She, of course, has told him to bugger off.
Today, this started (Tuesday 11th March)

hello miss helen raw how are you i really miss you allot
You seem to have forgotten your last message to me: "Bye forever don't message me again."
yes i know but i can't do this... i don't know seriously my mind & heart gose on to you miss….
How can you miss someone you don't know?!?! Please don't start this again - I don't think I have the energy for another 6 blogs about it!
i think its feelings & its natural thing i can't control my own self they giving me signal about your self…
What a load of shite.
its not a shite its a real feelings miss helen i don't know why this doing with me....
Ooops, there goes another rib.
Dear Miss helen its not a rib or shite its called miss-understanding between us.
There is no misunderstanding. You say you 'love me' and want a work visa from me. I'm saying I don't love you and you're not getting a work visa from me. Simples.
to be honest miss i want visa of your country and marry with any one who understand me and give me love and respect than i will give to her same response because thats the most important thing in our life's. miss i was not cheater i was so honest but i think i still not explain you my clear em-age its not my fault... but please don't think wrong about me clearly its misunderstandings between us.
There is no misunderstanding. You are a stranger who has approached another stranger on the internet for a visa and marriage. I couldn't give a fishes tit how honest you say you are...
Miss i know i was stranger for you but i was not cheater i was so honest because every person not been same every person mind set and thinking different but i was not the others if you meet to me in real life than you can understand me that how much i was nice person miss its miss misunderstanding between us.
have a humanity on this world or not...?
It is NOT a misunderstanding. I do not know you. You do not know me. I have humanity yes, but not enough to marry a stranger from the internet and give him a work visa! Come on, get a grip.
i know i was stranger for you but you don't call me liar or anything wrong me... because miss if have humanity on this world you can trust on me and show me also...!
No. Goodbye. You're annoying me again now.
miss i was not annoying you i was just asking to you...
No, you're annoying me
okay miss next time i never told you about visa or anything...! but miss you told me first about marry with you on that time i was not interested for that and you know that.
I also told you I liked shagging goats - why do believe what a stranger tells you on t'interweb?!
I shall post more as it comes in...I really shouldn't encourage him but it's just so ridiculous!
to be continued...
dear miss i don't know that things so clearly and that type of work. because i was so humble person and my nature so different to the others and i think if i don't do anything wrong with others than the other person not given me wrong reaction and will give me same response like me thats the simple reason thats why i trust on everyone because i think the humanity still have in this world. but miss every one still playing with me same like a football and kick me every-time…!
Well, you're an idiot for trusting people you don't know. This is the INTERNET... Jeez.
Instead of talking to strangers, try saving up money to sort your own life out. Nobody owes you anything.
Plus, you have no goats to barter with.
dear miss you are saying right i was idiot because otherwise not have any chance to stable my own life yes i was working in private distribution on very short salary and also i was financial supporting to my own family with this salary my salary is almost 12 thousand rupees in our currency and if you convert in pounds so that is almost 80 pounds for my monthly income because here is not have the jobs. So miss how i can try saving up money to sort your own life.
only one way to stable my own life if someone provide me visa than its possible for me to stable own life. dear miss so many people going out side because of internet.
You're right. I think I will go outside now and feed my pigs and swim in my huge swimming pool.
why you miss?
Miss what?
for that you are told me that I think I will go outside now and feed my pigs and swim in my huge swimming pool?
Well, you said that people don't go outside because of the internet and I agreed. I should come off the internet and go outside.
no i said that the so many people gone out side because of internet. out side mean out of country....
Ah my bad. Leaving your country doesn't leave the internet though. The internet is EVERYWHERE. You cannot hide...
i know that the internet everywhere...
i can't leave the internet...
dear miss you are saying right i was idiot because otherwise not have any chance to stable my own life yes i was working in private distribution on very short salary and also i was financial supporting to my own family with this salary my salary is almost 12 thousand rupees in our currency and if you convert in pounds so that is almost 80 pounds for my monthly income because here is not have the jobs. So miss how i can try saving up money to sort your own life.
No, I said you were an idiot for saying that you trust everyone on the internet. Pay attention.
okay but thats mean not have the humanity on this word thats why everyone playing with me own style...! but i was a human not have a animal or football…!
How do I know you're a human?
that means you think i was other type of species...
thats my weakness that i always given to others so much respect because i was human and i always have the humanity in my soul & life.
and also my strength the humanity...!
You could be cat that's just walking across a keyboard in an efficient manner for all I know.
i was working in private distribution on very short salary and also i was financial supporting to my own family with this salary my salary is almost 12 thousand rupees in our currency and if you convert in pounds so that is almost 80 pounds for my monthly income because here is not have the jobs. So miss how i can try saving up money to sort your own life?
Dunno, that's not my problem.
i know its not your problem...
So stop telling me I have to save your life and give you a visa then.
miss we are friends if you don't want to help me okay no problem i can understand that its difficult decision for you but i can understand miss...!
We are not friends. I don't know you from Adam.
FFS what don't you understand this time?
Okay. Bye.
I beg your pardon? I'll decide when I'm done talking to you.
miss what is pardon?
dear miss in our country you-tube blocked for some reason.
I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, There's gotta be a little rain sometimes. When you take, you gotta give, so live and let live, Or let go. I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. I could promise you things like big diamond rings, But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover. So you better think it over. Well, if sweet-talkin' you could make it come true, I would give you the world right now on a silver platter, But what would it matter? So smile for a while and let's be jolly: Love shouldn't be so melancholy. Come along and share the good times while we can. I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, There's gotta be a little rain sometimes. Instrumental break. I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. I could sing you a tune or promise you the moon, But if that's what it takes to hold you, I'd just as soon let you go, but there's one thing I want you to know. You better look before you leap, still waters run deep, And there won't always be someone there to pull you out, And you know what I'm talkin' about. So smile for a while and let's be jolly: Love shouldn't be so melancholy. Come along and share the good times while we can. I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, There's gotta be a little rain sometimes. To fade.
He didn't get it, AT ALL...
thats nice song...
Only joy from now on, no more pains to mitigate Embraced I have all the shades in world's palette I permitted her to leave, little did I know Took along all my belongings, that who left through my gate An abstract expectation I have from each face Which ever direction I look, comes my promised date This world is like the journey of some traveler Some are bound to leave early, some will be late An abstract expectation I have from each face Which ever direction I look, comes my promised date Embraced I have all the shades in world's palette Only joy from now on, no more pains to mitigate…!
Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them Borders are for people Think about it, what have you and I Obtained by being born as humans? Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them Borders are for people Think about it, what have you and I Obtained by being born as humans? If we were both birds We would soar in this blue sky Spreading our wings The entire Earth would be ours Ours would be all sights In the open atmosphere we would fly Taking all the love in our hearts Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them Borders are for people Think about it, what have you and I Obtained by being born as humans? If I were a river and you Were a gust of wind, then what would happen? When a gust of wind touches the body of a river Waves, waves are made If we would meet, then something like that would happen Everyone says these waves Wherever they go, no one bumps against them Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them Borders are for people Think about it, what have you and I Obtained by being born as humans? Birds, rivers, gusts of wind No border inhibits them...!
It's not a competition.
hahahahahah i know that
2 hours later...
Are you singer?
But you still not show me your songs in your voice? How many songs you sing before?
If you have the internet you can find me.
This time not have i was on my cell phone
Tough titties then
Titties that are tough
Are you married
You should know this already if you paid attention to all our messages.
Because i saw your pictures thats why i was asking?
I don't understand the connection
In your fan page lots of images is that you on images?
Not, it's a pretend person
If its personal so how you showing your images on fan page?
Who said it was persona?
I just ask
What a ridiculous question.
No one said
Said what?
Which you ask
Okay. Bye
Are you crazy
How many sisters and brother have?
ARGH. This has all been discussed already and yes, I am crazy.
Plus, yer a right nosey fecker
No no you still not tell me about your family?
Oh well, sucks to be you.
Do you know what, this is getting boring for my readers now. Bye.
Have your any experience out of countries?
Sunday, 3 March 2013
My Wee Sis - Nominated for Vet Nurse OSCARS :-)
So proud I could burst.
My wee sis has been a thorn in my side since she turned 8 and has been a pain in my arse for years.
When she was really wee, I used to feed her, mother her and speak for her. Then, she got older, found her own voice and I thought it was annoying.
If I wanted a biscuit, I could no longer pretend that it was cos my 'wee sis wanted one'. FFS.
In high school, I watched out for her, took beatings for her and generally made sure she was okay, even though at home she used to beat me with the hoover pipe on jobs day (Wednesday). To be fair I used to batter her back so it was always a fair fight and by the time Mama Raw came home, we were best friends (fake) and the house was clean (ish) and we would have bruises all over our arms (hidden, obv) and we'd be sitting next to each other on the couch nipping each other on the arms in secret (in the really fleshy bit that hurts).
We shared a bedroom until I was in 4th year at High School. Her side was neat and geometrically lined up, mine was just a heap. We both hated the other side of the room. When we moved to what we affectionately called 'the mansion' we each got our own room. Cath's was organised with military precision and not a spec was out of place. My room was a different story. It was wall to ceiling Tom Cruise posters with a heap of stuff in the middle of the floor. I knew where everything was but it looked a bit like Stig of the Dump's house.
Sometimes, Cath would threaten to kill me with scissors if I dared step into her bedroom, so to annoy her I would do the 'dance over the threshold' and keep stepping in and out just to see her turn into the Tasmanian Devil. I would often go in and move things a couple of inches to see how long it would take her to notice. It was usually just seconds!
I now feel her pain as the OCD has finally worked its way down to me and I can't bear things not being where they should be...(thanks Papa Raw, ya radge).
Anyway, back to the point. In High School, Cath decided she would quite like to be a vet. She studied hard but didn't make the grades needed for Vet School, so Mum and Dad spoke to her about being Veterinary Nurse instead.
My folks were amazing and big on maximising what you could do but equally big on helping you understand your limitations.
With Cath it was "why not be a Vet Nurse rather than a Vet - you love animals and a Vet doesn't really look after the animals - that's what a Vet Nurse does".
So, with the amazing encouragement from Mama and Papa Raw (and some slagging off by me), Baby Raw set out on a career of Vet Nursing.
In the meantime, she was humouring me by being part of the youth theatre I set up - yep, I got my wee sis singing on a stage. Amazeballs (she actually has a lovely voice but she'd never admit it).
Anyway, she started in a work placement post at a Vet Hospital when she was 14 and still in school.
She worked her way up through different Vet practices, working all the hours the big man sent, saving all the animals on the planet you care to name to become HEAD NURSE at Broadley's Veterinary Hospital in Stirling.
She has extra qualifications in 'Bereavement Counselling' and is a 'Specialist Nurse in Exotics and Wildlife'.
She has lectured to qualified vets at Glasgow Uni on rabbit care. Yep, my wee sis is brought in as an expert speaker - how AMAZING is that?

So, what is the point of this blog post? Well, she's only bloody gone and got herself nominated as one of the TOP 3 VET NURSES IN THE COUNTRY. Yep, people think she is so amazing they have been voting and writing about her in their droves.---
The finals will be in April and we don't even care if she doesn't win cos to us, she already has.
She does my nut in, she angers me to the point I want to smash her face in, she makes me want to punch myself in my own face sometimes BUT, she also makes me laugh hysterically, she makes me want to keep doing what I'm doing, she makes life seem more fun, she is brilliant, she is an expert in her field, she thinks I'm brill, she is top banana at her work and if anyone says anything bad about her, they can consider themselves cursed.
For the avoidance of doubt, I am the ONLY one allowed to call her names and give her Chinese burns.
Love you Smeg xxxx
Catherine Raw RVN

Head Nurse, Bereavement Counsellor and Exotics Advisor
Catherine qualified in 1998. She has worked at Broadleys since 2000 and been leading our team of dedicated nurses since 2002.
I knew from a very young age that I wanted to work with animals, and I love every aspect of my job.I love ‘little critters’ so much that I couldn’t resist having a few myself: 4 rabbits, 4 guinea pigs, a hamster, a gerbil and a degu.In my spare time I enjoy crafts like card-making and scrapbooking.

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