Monday 25 February 2013

Andrew is still being a cock...

Blog just crashed as I was typing!!

Here is what happened.

Andrews food was in the oven on MY tray. I took his food out of the oven.

Andrew had MY fork ready to eat aforementioned dinner. I put it back in the drawer.

Andrew went to use my tea towel to take his dinner out of the oven. I reminded him the tea towel was mine and confiscated it. He used his sleeve.

Andrew left his food to one side (I knew he was waiting for use to leave the kitchen so he could sneak in and use a fork SO I put all MY cutlery in a carrier bag and took it to my room

I heard Andrew going through the drawers in the kitchen so went in to see what was going on. He said I was being childish for hiding cutlery and that I was impeding his human rights at being able to eat.

After I'd pished myself...I said:

I'm not stopping you eating, I'm just stopping you from using MY Stuff to eat with. Tesco are selling plastic cutlery so off you pop and buy some.

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