Monday 27 September 2010

Oranges and Swimming With Your Clothes On

Holy crap.  Have woken up this morning feeling like shite.  This always happens after a workshop and I have no idea why.  I'm knackered and physically drained.  I'm wheezing like an old man and look like I've been smacked around with an ugly stick.

I also dreamed another ridiculous pile of shite:

I was chatting to an architect about him installing SKY TV for me (?) when he offered me a job at his firm.  I was due to start work the next day but wanted to start my gym routine too. So, me and my pal Leigh-Ann went to the swimming pool.  I decided it would be quicker for me to get ready for work if I just swam with my clothes on and then let them dry out on the bus. 

I was in the jacuzzi and spotted the Pope in the other jacuzzi with the Cheeky Girls.  I told him I thought he was a knobhead, then I got out.

I needed to get to the office to then get to Glasgow, so with wet clothes, I picked up the laptop at the office then ran for the bus to try and make the half 10 train.  The bus was delayed. Why?  Cos it was now raining oranges.  I tried to convince people they weren't real but then the bus drove over a few and we could feel them being squashed.

I then ended up at my house getting my bike out to go and see Katie.  I was only going to see her because I'd found her party photos on Facebook and wanted to tell her that I thought the people who did 'scooby doo' were amazing.

When I was in Katies, she was working so I decided to go on Facebook.  I used my fake profile and hacked into my ex-husbands page and saw that he had written things like 'watch out raw family, it's 50/50' and 'off to meet the new in-laws'.  I wrote on his wall 'you're a lying hound and I hope your balls fall off'.

Then my sister turned up having a major tantrum because she couldn't access her email (she never uses fecking email never mind have a drama about it!). 

I decided to just go home as I was now in a bad mood.  I couldn't get through my front door because my house was full of oranges.


I think I may have a brain virus!  I think today will be an easy one of farting about with emails and not doing anything that requires any sort of thought process...

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